Top 5 hidden features of PUBG mobile that you should know.

Top 5 hidden features of pubg mobile that you should know.
 There are many hidden features of PUBG mobile but today's I will discuss about only top 5 hidden features and the other you will see in my next blog . So let's get started.

1. Scope colour 

Do you know guys you can change the scope colour . But you can change only ( Red dot , holograph , 2x and 3x ) scope colours only .
Open PUBG mobile then open settings. In the left menu bar you will see a option scope click on that. And then you can change the colour of your scope.

2. Aim style( Cross hair style )

If you want to change the font style or cross hair style. So you have to follow these steps to change the cross hair style. Go to setting and again go to scope and you can change no scope Cross hair style and also you can change the red dot cross hair style see the image to know more

3. Change damage colour

You can change the colour of damage from red to green when hitting . Open pubg then setting then go to basic then scroll down and then you got a option damage colour in the 5th section default it is on red but you have to change it on green like in image

4. Quick scope switch

If you want to change scope fastly so you must have to apply this setting . Open pubg mobile then got to setting then basic
Then you will find a option quick scope switch enable it now you can change scope fastly like show in the image

5. Peak and enable scope 

This setting can enhance your gaming performance got to basic settings of pubg mobile then you will find a option in the third section peak&open scope defualt it is disabbled but you have to enable it after it when you tap on peak then it will automaticaly open your scope.