How to copy text from anywhere

Yes guys today's I will tell you that how can you that how can you copy a text from anywhere It is useful in many places like YouTube description and if you go now and if you try to copy the text from youtube you cant able to do and in many web you cant able to copy this and in many games if you try to copy tags etc you cant do that but after applying this trick you will able to copy the text from any where so without wasting any more time lets go for it.

1. Universal copy

First of all go to play store and search universal copy install that application
you can also click on this link to install this application
Click here

2. Allow some permission

Open the app and in the 1st section you will sea an option universal copy . Defualt it is off you have to turn it on . When you turn it on it will ask for a permission you have to click open setting then you will find an option universal copy click on that and turn it on then go back to home screen.

3. how to copy text 

swipe notification pannel to see that it is enable or disable if it not showing on the pannel that its not on. Where you want to copy the text swipe to see the notification pannel you will got an notification of universal copy tap on and you will see that a blue line has covered your in the corner side and now click on the text which you want to copy.

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