How auto liker works defined
How auto liker works defined
So Ya guys today's we talk about auto likers is it leagle or not and how it works. So lent get started.
About auto likers
Those peoples who dont know about likers auto liker are those application which can give you desired numbers of likes on your Facebook insta and other social platform
How it works(Leagle or Ileagle?)
The first thing i will say that it works perfectly but It is eleagle and it will leaks your personal information or you can leak or loss your data.
Many of people use auto like when we go to the auto liker apps or website it will ask for your Email or phone number and password of your Facebook account . And then when Publish your post then it will say for how many likes do you want after selecting the Like . In just 5 min you will got many like from unknown persons that you don't know but there is a twist when you sign in with your phone number and password it will save it in his data and then when anyone other select auto liker for his post it will receive a like from you means that when you once signed in auto liker your account has been fished. And your account is in the control of the owner of the auto liker web or app . And it will use your account to like other people post whom you dont know .
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Please don't use these types of apps or website it can be leak your personal information and your account also can be hacked or you can lose your data . And many you also got a ban from facebook for 30 to 60 day or permanent.