What is kali linuix ? 

So guys, Today's we talk about an interesting topic kali linuix. As you guys know that kali liniux is use for hacking but i will only talk about white hat hacking and this video is only for knowledge purpose if you do any illegle work with it i am not accountable for it. So without wasting any more time lets get started.

Kali linuix is an operating system like windows, windows vista and mac os.  which you have to install on your pc or laptop and then you can use it . as though you use fedora and you want to check any website security lavel so they don't provide any base you cant guess how much coading you have to do because there is not any base. But if you get some tools which complete you 80 to 90 percent work and you have to do some customization then the things will very simple so these things you will get from preinstalled kali liniux in kali linuix you will get more than 500 bases which you can use in many sinarios to know the weakness of any website . And there are many works which you can use with kali linuix basically you have to give lesser effort and you will got maximum output .But the back hat or gray hat hackers uses it for cracking any site or destroy data . If you use it for benevolence so its leagle if you use it harm anyone so it illeagle.
If you interest in hacking and you want to become a white hat hacker or  ethical hacker so you can try it by installing it in your PC or laptop or you can also use it on you mobile but in mobile you have a limit.

 So how is it guys if you enjoyed please share.